Trademark Registration India

TM Services India

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Trademark Registration in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is significant in many respects for receiving our exquisite and responsible legal services. For a long successful and enriching period, we have been delivering efficient legal services in all across the State in almost all legal areas, including the trademark services in uttar pradesh. In ours this article, we are especially offering details about ours these services for trademark registration in uttar pradesh.

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This most populous State of the country is also the second biggest State economy of India, by dint of substantial development and growth in most of its economic fields. Every year a large number of companies and industries are being set up in its diverse highly progressive economic fields. Today, the most progressing fields of the State are agro-based industries, food and fruit processing industries, iron and steel, information technology, machine tools and equipments, computer hardware and software, leathers, chemicals, real estate and construction, engineering and technology, tourism and hospitality, banking, insurance, financial consultancies, and various others. All newly created trademarks and service marks in these fields have been made secured and properly recognized by our trademark services in uttar pradesh, for benefits of entities located in all across the State. National and international registrations of their trademarks have been accomplished economically by ours expert and highly admired trademark attorneys.

To secure every trademark in uttar pradesh relating to any of the above-specified economic fields, we perform national as well as international registrations. The national-level registrations are made with regulatory support of the zonal trademark office located in New Delhi, and in complete accordance with the rules and provisions given in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999. And, international-level trademark registrations on behalf of entities established in Uttar Pradesh, are made under Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Any one or all of these globally reputed international trademark conventions can be selected depending upon the business plans of the desirous companies and business priorities. Our intelligent services are adroitly provided all along the registration process in India or any concerned foreign jurisdictions.