Trademark Registration in Jammu Kashmir
The beautiful mountainous landscape that has surrounded Kashmir valley is attributing a large number of tourists with numerous pilgrimages. Tourism with other various natural resources has led to the state to be one of the major contributors towards economy of the country. Largely reliant on agriculture and allied activities, the people also manufactured other various goods likerugs, shawls, Kashmir willows, a wood used for manufacturing bat and saffron, all of them are recognized with high value in international market. It earns huge foreign revenue due to exports of various fruits like apple, nuts, peaches, pears, sorghum etc.
The skilled worker seeking for trademark registration in Jammu Kashmir for commercial activities of their manufactured goods can visit various service branches in the state. A large population of the states is dependent on the handicrafts business and to sale their goods, it is compulsory that a trademark is required for the company. The trade sign of the company defines that the particular goods are manufactured by a particular business group and it attracts consumers attention. Mark should be in unique in nature and it must not be similar with others marks of company. The trademark services in Jammu Kashmir conducts an enquiry to ascertain that the proposed symbol of a fresh applicant company does not conflict with other symbols of the company.
Our service helps in the registration process of trademark in Jammu Kashmir and solving problems of clients. Either it is trademark search, monitoring or watch; we provide best services to our clients with the help of efficient legal consultants. We conduct search on mark and also help in legal process if any symbol faces legal trouble during registration process. The services given by our company are much reliable than any other trademark services centers in Kashmir. for best solution, visit us without any delay.