TM Services India

IPR Services India

Trademark Filing @ 6000/Only
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Trademark Consultation

For expert, visionary, and responsible trademark consultations, ours mature and reputed law firm is famous worldwide, especially in India. Our wide-ranging legal knowledge and vast practice experience, have enabled us to serve companies in diverse economic sectors perfectly and better. Our well-resourced firm has adequate lawyers and litigators and worldwide contacts, for offering well-informed and expert legal services in all major and vital areas of the law, essentially including the company and corporate laws, intellectual property rights, labor and employment law, business and commercial laws, maritime and admiralty law, international business, aviation law, and so on. In this article, we are providing exclusive and sophisticated information about ours trademark consultation services, which are offered in all across India and the world.

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The trademark consultation deals with all matters and issues related with trademarks and services marks, in general. These matters include, creation of trademarks, trademark search, trademark registrations, trademark oppositions, trademark renewals, trademark prosecution for various purposes, trademark watch and monitoring, and trademark infringement litigation. Our mature and prudent trademark consultation in india and abroad essentially covers these all things. Companies, industries, firms, and multinational corporations active in various economic fields, can avail ours these trademark consultation services promptly and quite economically.

Trademark Consultation Services

Trademarks are greatly significant and vital intellectual property of companies, primarily responsible for ever-growing prominence and popularity of their products or services, unique qualities of these, reliability and reputation of the companies, and undaunted stability and maximal profitability of the business of the companies. Therefore, trademarks must be created utmost ingeniously and carefully, prevented from being misused by other companies, and protected from trademark infringement cases by others. These vital facts are the basis of ours trademark consultation services.

For creating a trademark or service mark, things to be taken into consideration are - ingenuity of a company; its policies, vision, and motto; elegant and scintillating aesthetics; and qualities of being reliable and respectable. The unique identity and reputation of a trademark can elegantly be protected through robust trademark watch and monitoring, trademark opposition, and trademark infringement litigation. As far as the international registration of trademarks is concerned, there are globally recognized international treaties like TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol of WIPO, and the European Community Trademark (CTM). The national-level registrations are accomplished under the trademark law in individual countries, such as the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 in India.